Jason Koerner, J. Michael Conley Elementary School, Named Leon County Schools February Principal of the Month

With a gracious heart, J. Michael Conley Elementary School Principal, Jason Koerner, was surprised on Wednesday, February 9 by Superintendent Rocky Hanna, The Leon County Schools Foundation, and Scott & Wallace to learn he earned the title of February Leon County Schools Principal of the Month.

Scott & Wallace have sponsored the Leon County Schools Principal of the Month Award for the past three years and have sponsored the J. Michael Conley Elementary School Food Pantry for the past three years as well. “This one is extremely special to us just because of the personal relationship we’ve developed with you and your school over the years,” says Robert Scott, Partner at Scott & Wallace. 

Principal Koerner transitioned from a High School Principal to an Elementary School Principal with flying colors, as he leads the school with a passion for students, staff, and family. 

“Our Principals and our teachers are the ones really doing the heavy-lifting and they never could be recognized enough, so thank you Scott & Wallace for all you’ve done and continue to do to celebrate the leadership at Leon County Schools,” says Superintendent Hanna. 

Principal Bryan serves his school community of more than 660 students grades K-5 with a keen eye for student success. Principal Koerner thanked his teachers, faculty, staff, parents for their unwavering support and drive to succeed. 

With 28 principals honored to date, Leon County Schools Superintendent, Hanna, selects a monthly winner based on numerous criteria, including leadership, resiliency, morale, school beautification, and more.

Our Leon County Principals spend so much time building others up, the Principal of the Month Award came about as our opportunity at the district level, to build the Principals up and recognize achievements, because there are many,” said Superintendent Hanna.

To learn more about J. Michael Conley Elementary School and Principal Jason Koerner please visit https://www.leonschools.net/conley. 


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