Follow These 7 Steps After Acceptance Of Your Injury Case

With so many things to consider after an accident, the claims process can be quite overwhelming. If you’ve never done it before, choosing and then hiring a lawyer, dealing with the insurance companies, and trying to interpret convoluted and confusing laws can be overwhelming. To help simplify the process, we’ve made a list of seven important steps you can take to make the process more seamless.

1. Find an Attorney with a Winning Track Record

Statistics consistently demonstrate that people who have an attorney handle their case usually receive three times more than they do when they try and represent themselves. Importantly, this is a net figure. This means that the choice to hire a lawyer usually results in three times more money in compensation for your damages even after attorneys’ fees and costs are paid. So you owe it to yourself to hire an attorney. At Scott & Wallace, our goal is maximum compensation for any damages you have suffered. Always remember: There are no fees or costs unless we win your case.

2. Only Talk About Your Case with Your Attorney

It is best to discuss the details of your case only with your attorney. Any other parties such as claims adjusters or defense attorneys might not have your best interest at heart. So keep statements about the case between you and your lawyer and let them handle any meetings and/or discussions with others.

3. Ask Any and All Questions

Your attorney’s singular job is helping you. You can and should ask them to explain everything about your case, even if it seems simple. You have a right to know every little detail. This is your case and you have a right to be informed.

4. Avoid Social Media During the Lawsuit

Claims adjusters and defense attorneys are always lurking on social media trying to find something that could hurt your case. So avoid posting any pictures or updates on social media platforms or blogs. Don’t make any statements about your case. Anything you post can be used against you. Even if your profile is private, dont post about your case to be safe.

5. Go to All Doctors Appointments

Attending all doctors appointments is imperative. Missing one could be a signal to the defense that you are not taking your case seriously or that your claimed injuries aren’t what you know they are. The same could happen if you ignore any medical advice your doctor provides. Be open and communicative with your physician, as obtaining the right treatment is the most important part of this process.

6. Insurance Company Information

If an insurance company contacts you, don’t talk to them without having your lawyer present. Its perfectly acceptable to hire an attorney before answering questions by the insurance company. Critically, many times, you are NEVER even required to talk to the insurance company during the pendency of your injury claim.

7. Always Fight for Full Compensation

Insurance agencies will try to convince you to settle for less money than you are entitled. At Scott & Wallace, we will fight until the very end so that you can get the justice you are entitled. We never settle for less, and neither should you!

When you hire us, we ask only that you place your legal issues squarely in our hands so that you can focus on you and your familys healing and well-being. From there, your fight becomes our fight, and our mission is full and final justice.


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